Chess Online

Play Online at

“Montana Chess Association” is the Club name in

Schedule of Weekly Events is in MCA – under Clubs menu:

These events are only rated on – not USCF online rated.

Want to play scholastic level chess online? 

The Montana Chess Association is running scholastic tournaments on every Tuesday and Friday afternoon at 3:30 pm.  Below are the steps you need to follow to join in and play.  Players are K-8th Grade and range from beginner to intermediate.  WE NEED MORE BEGINNER PLAYERS!!!  

1.        Set up a account. Make sure your profile has your first name and last initial, or  first initial and last name, and Missoula, Montana for your town.  This way they know you are from Montana.

2.       Find “Montana Chess Association” in the Clubs section of and request to join. 

3.       Send your username to the tournament director for the Tuesday and Friday tournaments.

4.       On Tuesday and Friday before 3:30 go to and follow go to the location in the picture attached.  Make sure you click the big orange “Join” tab inside the tournament.  Tournaments last up to five rounds and about an hour depending on how many kids log in to play.

Everyone plays every round, so don’t worry if you lose to start, you keep playing and learning. also has puzzles, lessons, and videos you can check out to learn.